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Reach your business objectives by leveraging state of the art
technology that once seemed out of reach.

plex加速器现在- 旋风

We help select clients cross the chasm between their business objectives and state of the art technology that would normally be out of reach.

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We vet, develop, and instrument ideas and solutions to help clients get on the path to success.

  • Virtual CTO
  • Brand Strategy
  • R&D
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Product Discovery

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We help bring your vision to life through strategic design, world-class technology and content creation.

  • Legacy Modernization
  • Product/Web Development
  • Design/Branding
  • Content Creation
  • Photography

plex加速器现在- 旋风

Kordami fosters partnerships with our clients, we stay engaged and support our clients for the long term.

  • Ongoing Technical leadership
  • Enhancements
  • ss节点购买网址大全
  • Staff Enablement
Get to Know Us

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We believe it is important to be able to tap the right contributors at the right time. That is why we have a diverse group of experts in our network who contribute to our projects in unique and masterful ways.

Application Architects

AWS Architects

Creative Directors



Localization Experts


.NET Architects

SEO Experts

UX/UI Designers


Website Developers

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From pizza to medical automation, we help clients, large and small. We don’t like to choose favorites, but here is a peek at some recent work with our client partners.

Carehub Screenshot

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Redefining Medical Office Space with Carehub®. Kordami has worked side by side with Carehub® to create a solution to catalyze this renaissance with a combination of software and a hardware deployment.

Case Study
Citify Screenshot

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Making Public Information More Accessible with Citify. Kordami has worked with Citify from the start to develop and build the robust technology engine to power this stream of data.

Case Study
McKinley Screenshot

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Connecting Patients to Mckinley’s Orthopedic Solutions. Kordami designed and built a custom website to aid this provider-patient interaction.

Case Study

City of Corpus Christi

The City of Corpus Christi has done an amazing job of providing its citizens with state of the art digital services. This ambitious plan brought with it some scaling and stability challenges that needed to be resolved quickly.

Case Study
View All Work

“ Cloud Technology can accelerate business growth and level the playing field for entrepreneurs who want to compete in a bigger pond. Many have the vision but few have the benefit of a partner with the technical agility to win the game. ”

Paul Boomgaart, CEO


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We start by helping.

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